Leaf pictures

We thought we’d share some of the activities for little ones from our collaboration with University of Dundee Botanic Gardens and today we are starting with making art from natural materials. These pictures are from the artist Andy Goldsworthy and you can see how he uses natural materials like leaves and sticks to make patterns in …

Botanic Gardens Collaboration

Inspired by the current exhibition at the DCA by Stuart Whipps, we have collaborated with the University of Dundee Botanic Gardens to offer families from Homestart and Dundee International Women’s Centre free visits and creative activities when they are there. There is now an amazing mud pit for wee ones to explore, try out some messy …

Art at the Start and Dundee Science Centre

All this week Art at the Start, DCA and Dundee Science Centre have teamed up to do science and art activities, all themed on art and looking. You can find them all on the science centre’s home learning portal here www.dundeesciencecentre.org.uk/early-years-week You’ll find some colour theory, optical illusions, remembering games and more. There are also …