Green health partnership

Dundee’s Green Health Partnership connects individuals with nature-based activities in greenspaces for mental, physical and social well-being. Engaging with nature can improve our lives in a number of ways, from reducing stress to building strength. Instilling a love for the great outdoors is a great step forward in improving health and preventing ill-health.

The Green Health Partnership can both offer an alternative to and complement traditional medicine to help individuals feel better and encourage them to make healthier lifestyle choices, with long-term health benefits. By working with partners in NHS Tayside, Dundee City Council and Third Sector organisations, the partnership is able to link Dundee’s residents to a wide range of activities, from free e-trike sessions and group rides, outdoor gentle exercises, gardening groups, mindfulness and much more. In addition to this, the partnership aims to increase overall engagement with green spaces across the city, promoting the benefits of green health to the public and raising awareness of the value of green health within healthcare.

The challenge

How do we find new ways to communicate the benefits of engagement with nature without focusing on physical exercise, specifically targeting areas of deprivation:
How do we spread the word of “green health” to Dundee residents?

Are there resources that could be created or made use of that would support higher impact communication and result in higher engagement with green health approaches?