Author: UoD Web Team

1 min read

Some of our team were out in Barcelona for the event on Proximity-inducing pharmacology: Targeted protein degradation and beyond. Will Farnaby, Alessio Ciulli and Angus Cowan were speaking during the first session. Ollie, Alena and Mark…

Author: UoD Web Team 0 comment(s)

1 min read

Vincenzo D’Angiolella, Associate Professor at the Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology was visiting CeTPD on 26th May, giving the talk Modulation of E3 ubiquitin ligase activity in cell cycle and cancer: classical oscillations and neomorphic mutations”…

Author: UoD Web Team 0 comment(s)

1 min read

Congratulations to Alexandra Harris on successfully defending her MRes viva. The examiners Rebecca Goss (external) and Ian Gilbert (internal) commended Lexie for an excellent viva exam, and for doing some beautiful synthesis work that enabled the…

Author: UoD Web Team 0 comment(s)

1 min read

Alessio and Suzanne  organised the 17th EFMC Short Course on Medicinal Chemistry: Small Molecule Protein Degraders: A New Opportunity for Drug Design and Development in the Netherlands.  The three day course covered an intro to PROTACs…

Author: UoD Web Team 0 comment(s)

1 min read

Last week, Alessio took a trip to the US, he firstly visit the University of Michigan,thanks to Shaomeng Wang and his whole group for fantastic hosting, dining, and it was fun to be sharing a round…

Author: UoD Web Team 0 comment(s)

1 min read

CeTPD celebrate the success of our continued partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim. This week, we host  collaborators from  Boehringer Ingelheim in our new centre, to celebrate the success of our continued partnership. Together since 2016 to innovate…

Author: UoD Web Team 0 comment(s)