Collage of photos at Christmas retreat 2021

The group held their 1st Annual CeTPD Christmas Retreat on the 25th of November at Piperdam Leisure Resort. The evening was not only a party  but also a chance to take stock of how far we’ve come this last year, and what we can be excited for in the next. We had much to celebrate; 19 new lab members, 14 publications and the Centre for Targeted Protein Degradation, which will officially open in 2022. Alessio gave the party a status update for the Centre and gave special thanks for the work of the many people who are busy behind the scenes making all of this possible, including Anne Muir and Rachel Simpson, from the University’s Research and Innovation Services; and Letty Gibson, the Research School Services Manager.

Over the course of the evening we had several presentations: Will updated us on the progress made by the Boehringer Ingelhaim collaboration teacm, David on that of the Almirall collaboration team, and Ryan updated on the goings on of the academic group. Adam highlighted the key publications which have resulteed from the research of these groups. Charlotte then gave us an overview of the achievements of the Journal Club and Valentina intriduced the new CeTPD Seminar Series. Scott Hughes and Andrea Testa from Amphista joined us for the evening and told us about life at a start-up. We all enjoyed a quiz, hosted by Angus and Tom, and topped off the evening with several hours of dancing!

Contributor: Valentina