The Research Team

We are an international and interdisciplinary group of researchers based in the UK, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The project is led by Dr Megan O’Neill from the University of Dundee. Data is being collected in the UK, Finland and Norway. Although each work package has a named lead, partners across the four countries contribute to data collection, analysis, conceptual framing and dissemination. Links to short bios can be found for each of our project partners below, as well as others who have made important contributions to the project.

Doctor Megan O'Neill stood against a wall, she is smiling

Dr Megan O'Neill

Project LEader and Lead: UK

Dr Megan O’Neill is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Dundee and has an extensive background of policing research with a focus on issues of social interaction in policing, both within the organisation and with the public and partners. Read more…

Dr Jarmo Houtsonen is stood outside in front of a building. It is sunny and he is smiling.
picture of Doctor Heidi Lomell in front of colourful wall.
Photo of Iain standing outside, he is wearing glasses, dark clothes and a stripey scarf

Dr Jarmo Houtsonen

project lead: Finland and Work package 2 lead

Jarmo Houtsonen, PhD, is a Senior Researcher and a Director for Development at the Police University College, Finland. His research interests cover policing and internal security. Read more…

Professor Heidi Mork Lomell

project lead: Norway and Work Package 5 Lead

Heidi Mork Lomell is Professor at the University of Oslo and Professor II at the Norwegian Police University College. Lomell’s research interests include policing, surveillance, human rights and crime statistics. Read more…

Professor Iain Cameron

Project lead: Sweden

Iain Cameron is professor in public international law at Uppsala University. He is the author of numerous books and articles in the field of international and constitutional law. He has specialized particularly in issues relating to security and human rights. In 2005 he was appointed to the Venice Commission.

A smiling Jacques Hartman in a dark suit stood against a white wall

Dr Jacques Hartman

Work Package 1 Lead

Jacques Hartmann is Senior Lecturer at the School of Law, University of Dundee. Prior to joining Dundee University, he worked as Legal Advisor at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Read more…

Photo of Dr Jon Mendel

Dr Jon Mendel

Work Package 3 Lead

Dr Jonathan Mendel is Lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Dundee. He has a background in research around policing, policy, crime, surveillance and online spaces. Read more…

photo of Burkhard in front of shoreline, he is smiling, he has a beard and is wearing glasses

Professor Burkhard Schafer

Burkhard Schafer is Professor for Computational Legal Theory and Director of the SCRIPT Centre for IT and IP Law at the University of Edinburgh. His main field of interest is the intersection between science, technology and law. Read more…

Professor Fyfe sits at table in front of a book case full of books

Professor Nick Fyfe

Professor Nick Fyfe is the Dean of the School of Social Sciences at the University of Dundee and was the founding Director of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research read more… 


Professor Robin Geiss

A phtoto of Tristan, he is wearing a patterned shirt and glasses

Dr Tristan Henderson

Tristan Henderson is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the
University of St Andrews. His research aims to better understand
user behaviour in networked systems and use this to build improved

Portrait photo of Anna

Anna Leppänen

Anna Leppänen M.Sc. (Admin.) works at the Police University College (POLAMK) as a researcher. She has been doing police-related research and development projects since 2010. Read more…

Guro looking at camera and smiling

Dr Guro Flinterud

Guro Flinterud works as a researcher at the Norwegian Police University College. She holds an MA in cultural history and a PhD in media- and cultural studies, both from the University of Oslo. Read more…

phto of Amy, she is wearing a suit jacket and has her hair pulled back

Amy Humphrey

Amy Humphrey is a researcher and Human Geography doctoral student at the University of Dundee. Her research interests include policing, vulnerability and the influence of technology on investigative practice. Read more….

Additional Research Contribution and Support

The project team are incredibly grateful to the following researchers for their contributions to producing reports for the project. (Click links to visit personal/institutional webpages)

Also to Viki Ecseri for her assistance on the media and literature review for WP2.