Contact Us

General Enquiries

old cradle phone against dark background

For general enquiries please use the project email. This email address is maintained by the Project Lead, Dr.Megan O’Neill and Amy Humphrey, our UK Researcher. [Alternatively, should you wish to communicate in Finnish or Norwegian, please contact Anna Leppanen or Guro Flinterud as listed below]

Other Ways to Get in Touch

Participant Support or recruitment

If you are contacting us as a participant, please use the following email addresses for the researcher for your country:

For WP2 (Stakeholders) and WP3 (1-1 interview):

UK (use – Amy Humphrey (ayhumphrey@) or the project email (eyesonline@)

Finland (use – Anna Leppanen (Anna-Riitta.Leppanen@)

Norway (use    – Guro Flinterud: (guro.flinterud@)

For WP3 Survey or Experience Sampling: please contact Amy Humphrey as above, regardless of where you are based, unless communicating in Finnish or Norwegian is important to you, in which case feel free to contact your local researcher as above.


Any complaints regarding the project should in the first instance be sent to the project email, or the lead contact associated with the study you are taking part in. If this is not appropriate for your situation, the project lead, Dr. Megan O’Neill, should be contacted.

Lead WP2: Jarmo Houtsonen   Jarmo.houtsonen (use

Lead Wp3: Jon Mendel – jmmendel (use

Project Lead: Megan O’Neill –  moneill (use



Our main twitter feed is at @nordeyes

Several of our project partners also have active feeds!

@drmeganoneill  @jhoutsonen  @heidimorklomell  @jacqhartmann @amyl21

Data management

The lead institution for this project, and holder of all UK collected data plus survey responses from WP3 is University of Dundee

Holders of data collected in Finland and Norway are Police University College, Finland (Polamk) and the Norwegian Police University (PHS) respectively.