Reports & Resources

Our reports, summaries and some other outputs such as conference papers can be found below, by Work Package. This page will be continually updated as we progress through our work so for your convenience,  below is an outline of expected dates for key updates.

WP 1 (Legal analysis) outputs

Both parts of WP1 are now complete. We are putting our reports forward for peer reviewed publication. Since this can be a lengthy process, the WP1 researchers, Jeanne Gillet and Luca Thieme have prepared executive summaries of the work, which are available to view via the links below

Analysis of the traditional principles of jurisdiction and their relationship to online surveillance – Jeanne Gillet

How Does Human Rights Law, Especially the European Convention on Human Rights, Influence Online Surveillance – Luca Thieme

Shafer, B., (2019). Surveillance legislation in northern Europe: Who will be my privacy’s keeper? Jusletter IT (preprint copy)

Abstract: This paper reports some initial findings of the Nordforsk funded «Eyes Online» project that aims to elicit how the legal systems of the UK, Norway, Sweden and Finland have reacted to advances in surveillance technologies and capabilities. Focus of the analysis is the concept of «border», not just as a demarcation between jurisdictions or nations, but as an ordering principle of the law that can be challenged, transformed and subverted through technology.

This paper includes case study analysis undertaken by Ingvild Bruce, Johan Boucht & Andrew Agnew for Work Package 1

Published copy here (paywall)


WP2 (Stakeholder Perspectives) Outputs

Flinterud, G. 2019, ‘Norsk overvåkningsdebatt under lupen: Interessenters syn på myndighetenes tilgang til overvåkning og informasjonsinnhenting på nett’, Politihøgskolen, available at    (Policy Briefing about WP2 – Stakeholders perspectives, in Norwegian)

Media and other outputs (general)

Interview with our Finnish Researcher, Anna Leppanen about our key stakeholder interviews:

Flinterud, G. & Lommel, H.M. 2019,  ‘Er det greit at du blir sett på?’ Dagsavisen, 10 June, Available at                                            (Op-Ed, in Norwegian)