Information for Public Interview Participants (WP3)



Here you will find all the information you should need for taking part in our study as an interview participant. If you still have questions, you can also chat to us at

Thank you for coming to find out more.

Note: Unlike our public survey and Diary method interviews, for this part of the study we will NOT be asking those taking part about online behaviours that may not be legal.

The Interview

We would like to know in more depth, about people’s views and ideas about use of online surveillance/intelligence gathering by state law enforcement and security services. If you have taken our survey, you will find that the key themes are similar, but with more opportunity to explain your thoughts. If you have not taken our survey – please consider doing so as well! (Closes 03/03/2019).

The interview will take about 1 hour. It can be in person, one-to one, somewhere convenient for you, but not your private home, or it can be via an internet app such as Skype. This will be organised with you by the local researcher (details below). You can opt for the interview to be in English, Finnish or Norwegian, depending on where you are being interviewed.

Reasonable adjustments will be made for any stated accessibility requirements. Please discuss in advance with your assigned researcher.

Please note, researchers based at the Police University Colleges are civilians:

UK – Amy Humphrey, University of Dundee

Norway – Guro Flintrund, Politihogskolen (PHS)

Finland – Anna Leppanen, (Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu, POLAMK)

Contact details for all researchers are on our contacts page, or you can be put in touch via our project email –

Interviews can take place either in person, or via an online platform such as Skype. This can be arranged directly with your local researcher.


Privacy and Your Data

Please use the tabs below to read how we protect your privacy and use the data you provide (your interview transcript).

The following links will also take you to the local language participant information sheets for the country you are based. Although the basic arrangements are the same, there are some country specific differences in the information regarding data processers and storage (who is responsible for looking after your personal information and the transcripts, and making sure they are used appropriately).  {Awaiting translated documents}

You can withdraw from this study at any point before, during or after the interview, with no negative consequence to yourself – up to the point at which your transcript is anonymised,

Once anonymised, we cannot guarantee we will be able to identify which transcript is yours, to be able to withdraw it.

During the interview, you can choose not to answer specific questions, for any reason.

You will only be contacted in order to arrange or follow up on your interview. You can decide the ways in which your researcher will do this. Once your interview is complete, we will only keep your contact details until we have anonymised your transcript.

Interviews are audio recorded for accuracy purposes. This recording will be transcribed and anonymised. The audio recording will then be destroyed. We will be taking consent orally during the interview, so that you are not identified in any written consent form.

Interviews will be translated and/or transcribed by institutionally approved professionals external to the research group. A confidentiality agreement has been signed by each.

Written transcripts will omit any identifying or sensitive information such as real names or places or specific details of family/medical information. Demographic information (age, gender, level of education, country) will be kept, but will be used to look at the broad make-up of the groups we interview, rather than risk identifying individuals. Your local researcher will be responsible for doing this.

Only anonymised versions of your transcript will be shared outside your local research team (for example to project partners in other countries or institutions).

The anonymised written transcript of your interview will be held for at least 10 years after completion of all publications. It will be available for analysis by any member of this research group. In line with our institution and funders’ data policy, it will also be made available to other researchers through regulated national data archives, such as the UK Data Archive (