Information for Survey Participants


If you want to jump straight to the survey with just a summary of the information on this page, click here and enter the password: eyesonline

Anyone who completes the survey will be given the option to enter a prize draw for a £50 or local equivalent amount, online voucher (Now 1000NOK in Norway!)

To continue through to the survey questions you will be asked to agree that you have read and understood all the information given and that you have no remaining questions about taking part. You should find everything you need to know here, but if you have questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Amy at

A further link to the survey is also included at the end of the information on this page.

Study overview

The survey will ask you about your views on online surveillance and related topics, including how you learned what you know. It should take no longer than 15-20 minutes to complete, depending on how much you chose to write in optional text boxes.

Our overall aim is to understand peoples knowledge of and thoughts about state surveillance conducted over internet networks. You do not have to have in depth knowledge about this topic in order to take part – in fact we are equally interested in the thoughts of those who think they have no knowledge on this subject!

We also ask questions about things like getting around copyright, and some other (low level) online behaviours that could get people into trouble. One question will ask if you have done any of these things – it does not have to be answered, but if you are happy to do so, we have taken steps to ensure additional anonymity (See anonymity section below).

Please explore the tabbed sections below to find out how we protect your privacy, and how we will use the data we collect.

Confidentiality and Your Rights

As is standard in research projects, taking part in this survey remains voluntary all the way through – that means at any point, you can stop and delete all your answers submitted to that point.

You just need to click on the button highlighted in the image below to do so.

Please note – it is very close to the back button!

A page will let you know when you have reached the last point at which this can be done.

Once you click ‘FINISH’ we will no longer be able to connect you to your answers, so you would be unable to withdraw at that point

Image shows example page for survey, the example question is "how do you take your tea?"

Protecting your privacy.

Since we will be asking about behaviours that others may find problematic, we have taken particular care over protecting the identity of those taking part.

  • We will not ask for identifying information, and we ask you not to use real names or places.
  • Our UK researcher will actively check each survey response to make sure nothing is accidentally submitted.
  • This survey hosted by This site does not collect the IP addresses of those taking part – meaning you cannot be linked to your responses this way.
  • Data (your responses) are kept in a OneDrive file accessible only to project staff.

Data Storage.

At the end of the project, the survey responses will be submitted to Research Data Archives. This will include the UK Data Service (see next tab)

All responses will be fully anonymised, and free text answers themed into categories to further mask information before this takes place.

Data from this study will be stored for at least 10 years, and via the archive, will be accessible to external researchers

All data collected in this study will, on completion be made available to other approved academics and researchers via the UK Data Archive. This is to satisfy a condition of our Funders, Nordforsk in their Standard terms and conditions

The Archive grants access to academics and authorized researchers to use stored data to produce further research and inform related reviews. Upload of the aggregate, anonymised data will be managed by the Uk Data Service  [Click links for further information].

Link to Survey

To reach the survey, please follow the link below and enter the password

Go to Eyes Online Survey (Password = eyesonline)