Alessio in Sweden

Alessio travelled to Sweden to Tallberg, to join the 26th Swedish Conference on Macromolecular Structure and Function to give one of the Keynote lectures there. The meeting was held at the Hotel Akerbladz, exactly 15 years after attending a different conference in the same place while he was a postdoctoral fellow in Cambridge (and at the time working on TB drug discovery) – a curious coincidence for a quite rather remote and idyllic place North of Stockholm.  He also bravely took a dive in the Swedish lake, on one of the hottest mid-summer days in Sweden for a while!  Finally, he travelled down to Gothenburg to visit AZ Molndal, where he enjoyed reuniting with both Tom (who is doing his industry placement there) and Emelyne Diers. Midsummer in Sweden looked quite an amazing experience.