Congratulations, Heather!

Congratulations to Heather Graz for passing her 1st year upgrade viva with flying colours. She can now officially call herself a PhD student! Heather presented her Phd research on investigating the prediction processes of people with SSPI using the Visual Worlds Paradigm to an upgrading panel that included none other than Dr. Yuki Kamide, queen of prediction using VWP. Talk about bravery!!!

Heather absolutely deserved a massive gold star and a glass of wine!

New Paper Alert!

I’m very excited to see this paper in print.

Lin, H.-P., Kuhlen, A. K., Melinger, A., Aristei, S., & Abdel Rahman, R. (2021). Concurrent semantic priming and lexical interference for close semantic relations in Blocked-cyclic picture naming: Electrophysiological signatures. Psychophysiology.

In a blocked-cyclic picture naming task, we found that only close, but not distant relations, elicited semantic facilitation or interference effects in behavioral and electrophysiological responses. With two functionally-dissociable ERP components, facilitatory N1 and inhibitory P2/N2, we demonstrate that semantic priming and lexical competition happen concurrently during speech production. Our study demonstrates for the first time that semantic priming and lexical competition jointly modulate naming latencies, shifting semantic context effects in the direction of facilitation or interference.