Dr Vasily Kostikov

Email: kostikov@hrbeu.edu.cn
Research Topic:
Nonlinear wave interaction with deformable surfaces
Scholarly Activities: PoF paper, PRSA Paper, TCFD Paper, IWWWFB 2020, IWWWFB 2019

Dr Jiaqi Liu

Email: jiaqi_liu@hrbeu.edu.cn
Research Topic:
Bore interaction with coastal structures
Scholarly Activities: OMAE 2019 Conference Paper, JOMAE Paper, JWPCOE Paper
Awards: OMAE2019 Best Paper Award

Azin Lamei

Email: a.lamei@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Motion and elastic response of floating offshore wind turbines
Scholarly Activities: OMAE 2019, JOEME Paper, IWWWFB 2022, OMAE 2022
Awards: ETP 2019 Best Paper Award

Shuijin Li

Email: s.k.li@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Laboratory experiments on floating offshore wind turbines
Scholarly Activities: IOWTC 2019, JMSA Paper

Arun Kumar

Email: a.s.kumar@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Computations of Floating Offshore Structures with Multiple Wind Turbine

Yongbo Chen

Email: chenyongbo@hrbeu.edu.cn
Research Topic:
On Wave Interaction with Deformable Bodies
Scholarly Activities: IWWWFB 2019, EWTEC 2021, IWWWFB 2022

Shiliang Duan

Email: S.Duan@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Application of artificial neural network method on wave-structure interaction

Luke Reid

Email: l.x.reid@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Air flow through human laryngeal

Dr. Xiaochao Li

Email: x.u.li@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Nonlinear wave diffraction by submerged obstacles

Jiaqi Liu

Email: j.o.liu@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Bore generation, propagation and impact
Scholarly Activities: OMAE 2019 Conference Paper, JOMAE Paper, JWPCOE Paper
Awards: OMAE2019 Best Paper Award

Ahmed Abuhatira

Email: a.abuhatira@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Computations and Experiments on Flow Induced Vibration of Pipeline

Angus Nicoll

Email: 2390791@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Nonlinear Wave Interaction with Floating Fish Cages in Two-Dimensions
Scholarly Activities: M.Sc. Thesis

Xiaochen Zhang

Email: x.z.y.zhang@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Laboratory experiment on wave energy generation
Scholarly Activities: M.Sc. Thesis

Christopher Wallis

Email: c.y.wallis@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
On laboratory wave generation by a piston-type wave maker

Xiaozhu Luan

Email: x.luan@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Dam-break impact on coastal structures

Ruby Stuart

Email: 2411388@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic: Computations of water wave impact on floating fish pens
Scholarly Activities: Honours Thesis

Muhammad Yaseen Khalid

Email: m.y.khalid@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic: Laboratory Experiments on Water Wave Generation
Scholarly Activities: Honours Thesis

Conor Owen

Email: c.j.y.owen@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic: Numerical Study of Wave Focusing Above a Submerged Plate
Scholarly Activities: Honours Thesis

Ieva Bockute

Email: i.bockute@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic: Buoyancy and stability of floating offshore wind turbines
Scholarly Activities: Honours Thesis

Thomas Riccio

Email: t.p.j.riccio@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Feasibility analysis of year-round marine renewable energy in the UK
Scholarly Activities: Honours Thesis

Callum Phin

Email: c.phin@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic: Simulation of dam break flows
Scholarly Activities: Honours Thesis

Linda Eckel

Email: l.eckel@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Laboratory experiments on wave interaction with submerged oscillating objects
Scholarly Activities: B.Sc.Thesis, EWTEC 2019

Shuijin Li

Email: s.k.li@dundee.ac.uk
Research Topic:
Structural Analysis of a Wave Energy Device
Scholarly Activities:
 China 3+1+1 Program Thesis

ValentineBenjamin Valentine

Email: benval281@tamu.edu
Research Topic: Nonlinear wave scattering by a submerged breakwater
Scholarly Activities: Ocean Science Meeting 2016 Poster; Journal Paper: AIP Advances, Vol. 6, pp. 065212.

JJWagnerJoshua Wagner

Email: jjwagner11@tamu.edu
Research Topic: Vertical oscillation of a submerged, horizontal plate: The Green-Naghdi Equations
Scholarly Activities: Ocean Science Meeting 2016 Poster; IWWWFB 2016 Workshop PaperNHA Marine Energy Technology Symposium Paper

JRWagnerJordan Wagner

Email: jordan_wagner@tamu.edu
Research Topic: Vertical oscillation of a submerged, horizontal plate: Computational Fluid Dynamics
Scholarly Activities: Ocean Science Meeting 2016 Poster; IWWWFB 2016 Workshop PaperNHA Marine Energy Technology Symposium Paper

TreichelKayley Treichel

Email: kaytreichel@tamu.edu
Research Topic: Parametric study on nonlinear wave loads on a submerged deck
Scholarly Activities: TAMUG Student Research Symposium; Journal Paper: Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 86, April, pp. 266-289.

ThiesJason Thies

Email: jasonthies90@tamu.edu
Research Topic: Design and optimization of a direct drive wave energy power-takeoff system
Scholarly Activities: TAMUG Student Research Symposium OMAE2017 Conference Paper (OMAE2017-62174)

RobertsonThomas Robertson

Email: roberttk01@tamu.edu
Research Topic: Signal processing of a paddle-type wave maker in a wave flume
Scholarly Activities: TAMUG Student Research Symposium