Manon Sturbaut

Scientist Medicinal / Organic Chemistry

Manon Sturbaut


2013-2014 Bachelor’s Degree in chemistry, University of Artois
2014-2016 Master’s Degree in medicinal chemistry (top of the class), University of Lille
2016-2019 PhD in medicinal chemistry, University of Lille

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I got my Master’s degree in medicinal chemistry in 2016 from University of Lille (France) and remained in Lille to undertake my DPhil studies at the same university. My PhD project was the development of inhibitors targeting YAP-TEAD protein-protein interaction. Following my PhD, I joined NICR group in Newcastle in 2020 to begin a two year postodoctoral position with Mike Waring. Since April 2022, I have joined AC-BI team in Dundee as a medicinal chemist. I enjoy travelling, playing and watching sports and I am involved in zero waste to reduce plastics !