Aina Urbina Teixidor

Scientist Organic/Medicinal Chemistry

Aina Urbina Teixidor


BSc in Pharmacy (2015), University of Barcelona
PhD in Organic Chemistry (2020), University of Barcelona

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Aina completed her undergraduate degree in Pharmacy at the University of Barcelona, during which she became interested in organic chemistry. After an internship at Organic Chemistry Lab at the same university and R&D experience at Almirall, Aina undertook her PhD in Organic Chemistry in the research group of Prof. Joan Bosch and Prof. Mercedes Amat. There, she focused on enantioselective total synthesis of natural products, ending with a short postdoctoral stint after that. Aina then moved to Dundee to join the AC-ALM team in May 2021 as a synthetic chemist to develop novel PROTACs, keen on expanding her knowledge of structure-based drug design and protein-ligand interactions. In her spare time, Aina enjoys reading, sports including basketball or skiing, exploring nature as well as cooking.