Xavier Barril

Visiting Professor (Structure-Based Drug Discovery)

Xavier Barril


BSc Biochemistry (1996), University of Barcelona
MSc Chemistry (1997), University of Barcelona
PhD Biochemistry (2001), University of Barcelona


Past Member To and From Dates: July – December 2022
Past Member Current Position: ICREA Research Professor, University of Barcelona, School of Pharmacy

Xavier Barril is an ICREA Research Professor at the University of Barcelona, School of Pharmacy. His research focuses on the discovery of bioactive molecules exploiting new mechanisms of action and the development of computational methods to achieve this goal efficiently. He is a well-known expert in the field of structure-based drug discovery, with >90 scientific publications, 14 supervised Doctoral theses and 40 invited talks at international conferences. He also has a strong focus on applied research (co-inventor of 13 patents) and experience in the private sector: scientist at Vernalis (2002-2005), co-founder of Minoryx Therapeutics (2011-2017), part-time CTO at Gain Therapeutics (2018-present) & co-founder of Oniria Therapeutics (2021-present).
He joins Alessio’s group for a period of six months (July-Dec 2022) to investigate and validate computer-based methods to design PROTAC molecules with improved efficacy and physicochemical properties and, more generally, to get further exposure to the field of Targeted Protein Degradation (right from the source!). Outside the lab, I look forward to do a bit of hiking in the beautiful Scottish countryside.