Oliver Hsia

Postdoctoral scientist

Oliver Hsia


BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry, University of Glasgow

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Oliver completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Glasgow and during his time there received funding from Medical Research Scotland for a summer research project which was undertaken in Professor Neil Bulleid’s laboratory at the Institute of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology, working on characterising the role of the enzyme MsrB3A in the redox pathway. Oliver did his Honour’s Project in Dilys Freeman’s laboratory in the Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences working on The GlasVEGAs study. Following completion of his undergraduate studies, Oliver began his PhD at the University of Glasgow under the supervision of Dr Thimo Kurz, working on the characterization of the role of the NEDD8 E3 ligase DCNL5 in the apoptosis pathway. During the project Oliver developed his skills as a molecular biologist, including extensive experience with cell culture, biological assays and the study of cell signalling pathways. Oliver moved to Dundee in May of 2020 to begin working as a postdoctoral cell biologist on the collaborative project with Eisai Co,. Ltd, developing and validating new PROTACs. In his spare time, Oliver enjoys keeping active, travelling and spending time with family.