Nathan McNally

Honours student

Nathan McNally


Past Member To and From Dates: September – December 2021
Past Member Current Position: Honours student at Dundee

Hi, I’m Nathan McNally, a 4th year honours student studying Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery. I have joined the group as part of my honours project where I am working alongside Dr Angus Cowan in expressing, characterising and crystallising E3 ligase complexes. I am excited to gain vital experience working in a top class laboratory institute in which I can take in to my future career and/or studies that I may attend. I have previously gained my HNC in applied science from the Dundee and Angus college as part of a co-curriculum in which I joined up with the University in the second year of my degree. In my free time I like watching/playing football and going out with friends. I also have a part time job in which I partake during time off from University.