Javier Perez-Areales

Marie-Curie Fellow

Javier Perez-Areales


BSc in Pharmacy, University of Granada, 2004-2009
MSc in Organic Chemistry, University of Barcelona and University of Valencia, 2012-2013
PhD in Medicinal Chemistry, University of Barcelona, 2013-2017


Past Member To and From Dates: March 2023 -September 2023 (visiting Marie-Curie Fellow)

My name is Javi and I am from Córdoba, in South Spain. I studied my BSc in Pharmacy at the University of Granada, then I moved to the University of Barcelona for my MSc and PhD in Medicinal Chemistry, working on multi-target directed ligands. I carried out both a predoctoral and postdoctoral placements at University of Ottawa studying the electrophysiology of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Later I went back to my home lab as a postdoc at the University of Barcelona, working on TET2 ligands in collaboration with the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO). Finally, I joined the Spring group at the University of Cambridge in October 2019, where I spent 3.5 years working on antibody-drug conjugates and targeted protein degradation. This last project will be finalised during my stay in the Ciulli group. I enjoy watching sports (mainly football and F1) given that my knee does not allow me to practice anymore, having a good pint at the pub and taking my two babies to play in parks.