Hao Lan

Visiting PhD student (University of Bristol)

Hao Lan


BSc in Chemistry, University of Sheffield
MRes in Drug Discovery and Development, Imperial College London (Prof. Matthew Fuchter and Dr. Charlotte Sutherell)


Past Member To and From Dates: October – December 2022
Past Member Current Position: 4th Year PhD, EPSRC Chemical Synthesis CDT, University of Bristol (Prof. Craig Butts and Prof. Varinder Aggarwal)

My name is Hao Lan and I am originally from Nanjing, China. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in chemistry at the University of Sheffield. This is followed by one-year research master at Imperial College London, working on synthesis of novel chemical probes targeting an epigenetic protein under supervisions of Prof. Matthew Fuchter and Dr. Charlotte Sutherell. Then I joined synthesis CDT in the school of chemistry at University of Bristol, undertaking my PhD with Prof. Craig Butts and Prof. Varinder Aggarwal focusing on multi-disciplinary projects including PROTAC. As a follower of structure-based drug discovery, I have developed diverse skills and experience in organic synthesis, computational modelling (CADD) and NMR techniques. I am currently finishing the major project of my PhD with two-month visit in Ciulli group. Apart from being a chemist, I love swimming, running and all other sports on the journey to get fit again.