Hirotake Furihata

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellow

Hirotake Furihata


BS in Science (2017), Kyoto University
MS in Science (2019), The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI
PhD in Agriculture (2022), The University of Tokyo

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I grew up in Tokyo with an interest in the mathematical sciences and studied physics at Kyoto University. In my master’s project I did structural analysis of “GTP sensor” which metabolizes preferably GTP than ATP to promote tumorigenesis at Structural Biology Research Centre at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization. The technical crystallization skills and teachings learned from experts at SBRC highly motivated me for biophysical and biochemical research to design drugs.
After I moved to the University of Tokyo, I joined the project of thalidomide to focus on the mechanism of thalidomide-dependent teratogenesis. The project group also identified SALL4 and PLZF as being involved in thalidomide-dependent teratogenicity. Our group analysed CRBN-SALL4 complex with thalidomide metabolite and thalidomide hydroxylation enhanced SALL4 degradation.
I am interested in the development of PROTACs to avoid the off-target based on the structure and characterization by biophysical, biochemical, and cellular assays.
In my spare time, I enjoy playing soccer and some instruments, and travelling.