Poster of Beacon Brainstorm TPD podcast with photos of Sofia Rodriguez and Alessio Ciulli

Targeted protein degradation (TPD) is an innovative field that is revolutionising drug development, with various modalities being explored by researchers to tackle undruggable targets and treat a wide range of diseases, including cancer, neurological disorders, and skin diseases.

In this episode, Sofia Rodriguez talks to Alessio Ciulli, professor of chemical structural biology at the University of Dundee and co-founder of Amphista Therapeutics, the leading Europe-based TPD company. Join us to hear about his lab’s ground-breaking research into protein degradation, the opening of the new Centre for Targeted Protein Degradation (CeTPD), and the opportunities and challenges of novel degrader design.

Listen to it here:

Beacon is delighted to announce the launch of our very own podcast series – Beacon Brainstorms.

In episode 1 our TPD analyst, Sofia Rodriguez, interviewed Alessio Ciulli – Professor of chemical structural biology at the University of Dundee and co-founder of Amphista Therapeutics. Topics of discussion include: ground-breaking research being conducted in Dundee, the opening of the university’s new Centre for Targeted Protein Degradation (CeTPD), and the opportunities and challenges of novel degrader design. 

Be sure to subscribe to stay notified of future episode releases where the Beacon research team speak to key industry players across various life sciences areas on pressing subjects and key topics. If you would like to join us as a guest speaker, please email us at