Public Engagement

On 23/02/2023, Sapkota lab member Tyrell Cartwright participated in the MRC PPU organised event – Baldragon Academy Partnership: 2023 S3 Careers in Science.

From 26-27/09/2022, Sapkota lab member Nur Kocaturk participated in Parkinson’s Exchanges: developing creative resources for exchanges between research and lived experience of Parkinson’s Disease, an event organised by Prof. Miratul Muqit and Daksha Patel.

From 10-14th October 2022, Lorraine Glennie and Nur Kocaturk hosted a S6 pupil from Grove Academy for her work experience.

On 27/07/2022, Lorraine Glennie and Nur Kocaturk hosted S6 pupils in the Sapkota lab as part of the SLS work-experience week.

On 25th of May and 26th of September 2022, members of the Sapkota lab Bill Carton and Nur Kocaturk took part in Parkinson’s Exchanges project: testing initial concept with artist & feedback on resources.

In January 2022, Gopal Sapkota gave a general Discovery Days lecture about his research to a general audience. A version of this lecture can be found here.

In 2021, PPU PhD students (including Bill Carton from the Sapkota lab) participated in and advanced to the finals of the Biotechnology Young Entrepreneurs Scheme (YES) 2021 and won awards.

In 2021, Sapkota lab PhD student Bill Carton took part in University-wide 3-Minute thesis competition and won multiple awards. Congratulations, Bill! He also took part in the “I’m a Scientist” programme, an online website that pairs scientists up with local school classrooms so the pupils can ask questions.

In 2021, Abigail Brewer, a PhD student from the Sapkota lab, took part in “Explorathon ‘Science in Our Lives’ Pecha Kucha Session” with the general public. The aim of the event was to provide the audience with a brief insight, through Pecha Kucha format talks (20 slides, each 20 seconds), into different research that is being conducted across Scotland. Abbie gave a talk about her PhD research.

In 2021, PhD students Lorraine Glennie, Abigail Brewer and Bill Carton from Sapkota lab participated in virtual Immersive Cell Sci-Art Workshop & Resources Development with local high school pupils (Overviewing workshop content, filming for workshops, Q and A sessions, provision of imagery for workshops).

In the summer of 2020, COVID lockdown was not a barrier for our lab members reaching out to the community! Sascha Roth from the Sapkota lab participated in a Virtual Workshop explaining research techniques to local high school pupils. Sapkota lab members also participated in the Virtual Work Experience Week to talk to local S6 pupils.

On 31st January 2020, several members of the Sapkota lab visited Bladragon Academy in Dundee to talk to pupils about science and medical research.

From July 29th to Aug 3rd 2019, Sapkota lab members Bill Carton and Karen Dunbar hosted a group of S6 pupils from Dundee schools for their work-experience week. This was organised by Erin Hardee.

On 18th June 2019, PhD student Theresa-Tachie Menson hosted a lab visit from local high school pupils as part of the MRC Open Day Festival.

On 11th March 2019, Gopal Sapkota visited Barnhill Primary School and talked to P1, P3 and P5 classes about career in research.

On 1st August 2018, Sapkota Lab researchers Dr. Kevin Wu and Luke Simpson (PhD student) are hosting 2 Grove Academy and 2 Harris Academy Highers/Advanced Highers pupils and giving them a hands-on taste of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing!!! Please contact us to find out how you could be involved.

On 16th June 2018 PhD students from the Sapkota Lab, Theresa Tachie-Menson and Luke Fulcher, talked about their research to the members of the public during the MRC Science Festival. Please contact us if you want to know more!

PhD student from the Sapkota Lab, Luke Fulcher, talks to Hazel Lambert about his motivation and aspirations in “Exploring new territory”

As part of our efforts to communicate our research with the public, the MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit and the School of Life Sciences undertake many activities throughout the year in which the members of the Sapkota Lab actively participate.

This Video narrated by Brian Cox explains in lay terms the type of research we broadly do at the MRC PPU.

Additionally, in order to encourgae young high school students to take up Science subjects and consider medical research as a future career path, the Sapkota laboratory offers one or two S3 or S4 pupils every year the chance of a week-long work experience within the lab. Please contact Gopal Sapkota if you wish your child or student (in S3/S4) to undertake work experience. Most high schools in Dundee already participate in similar week-long work experience schemes.

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