Alex and UoD Archives

Photographer Alex Coupar photographed Scotland and the Scots for over fifty years, recording the minutiae of ordinary lives as well as civic and national events.

Dundee University Archive Services are fortunate to have Alex’s collection of work diaries, negatives and prints, dating back to the 1950s until his retirement in 2000.

The Alex Coupar collection, MS 258, is in the process of being arranged and listed and will hopefully be available for people to use soon.

More information about the Archive and all the collections is available at

You can contact us at

Some images dating from mid-1966 and earlier are potentially copyright of DC Thomson & Co Ltd where Alex was employed as a staff photographer.  All other images are copyright of Alex Coupar.  Audio is copyright University of Dundee Archive Services. Nothing to be reproduced without permission

5 thoughts on “Alex and UoD Archives”

    1. Hello Grant
      This won’t be a problem, but there’ll be a bit of paperwork etc to sort. If you email with your request, we can get things moving

  1. A wonderful record of your incredible photographic skills, Alex. I’m so pleased they are being kept safely and being publicised. They all bring back so many memories! xx

  2. Just come across the photo you took of me in my bikini years ago of course, but also the catalogue from The Rep ‘On Stage with A C’, an exhibition of Theatre Photography 1955 -80. Those were the days Alex. Audrey x

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