Last update: November 2024
Where to find me: Harris Building, room 1.5 (better email first to make sure I am around).
Students Online Science Fair

Teaching in 2020-24
PH31006: Experimental and Professional Physics I
PH31016: Experimental and Professional Astrophysics
PH32006: Experimental and Professional Physics II
PH32016: Experimental and Professional Astrophysics
PH41008: Stars and Planetary Systems (stellar astrophysics part)
PH41009: Galaxies and the Universe (cosmology part)
Current undergraduate projects
“Hunting for young stars around the Hunter- II”
“Multiwavelength observations of variable stars”
“Gaia studies of cluster structure: the small and the large scale”
“Studying molecular clouds with archive Herschel data”
“Stellar variability in young stars: EXors and UXors”
“Rotation and activity in young, low-mass stars”
(please contact me for further details)
Teaching in 2019-20
PH31006: Experimental and Professional Physics I
PH31016: Experimental and Professional Astrophysics
PH32006: Experimental and Professional Physics II
PH32016: Experimental and Professional Astrophysics
PH41009: Galaxies and the Universe (cosmology part)
Teaching in 2018-19
PH31006: Experimental and Professional Physics I
PH32006: Experimental and Professional Physics II
PH32016: Experimental and Professional Astrophysics
PH41008: Stars and Planetary Systems (stellar astrophysics part)
Teaching in 2017-18
PH31006: Experimental and Professional Physics I
PH32006: Experimental and Professional Physics II
Old undergraduate projects
“Hunting for young stars around the Hunter”
“Multiwavelength observations of variable stars”
“Dynamics and energetics of accretion in young stars”
“Observing EX Lupi in quiescence”