Dear SCONe members,
With a few days of a delay due to the unique, outstanding experience of the Body-Brain Waves meeting in Salerno, please find below an update on SCONe activities:

Small SCONe gathering at the ancient Greek temples of Paestum. Body-Brain Waves organisers Antonio Criscuolo & Sonja Kotz with Daniel Kluger and Christian Keitel (right to left).
COST action
The time is drawing near where we’d have to put together the application for a COST action. We have identified potential partners (and some funding to visit them, if necessary), we have rough ideas for the application, a wealth of further information on how the COST funding can be used (and how it cannot), and we have an existing network that this can build on. The one thing we do not have is someone who will act as the primary applicant. For several reasons, we had to concede and can’t take it on ourselves. However, we’d be more than happy to do our parts for a successful application. Please do get in touch if you are interested in leading a bid for a COST action and we’ll give you a full account of our current “intel”. (In brief, it’s a huge pot of money for network, exchange and conference activities, up to 150k EUR pa over 4 yrs – does not generally pay for research or salaries though.)
Progress in some areas is slower than expected. We are still waiting on a couple of initial drafts (but we know they are coming). Once we have content for every section, we will do a final check and highlight where things have to be amended (e.g. shortened). Work on the Three Big Challenges has started too, and we are looking forward to a draft at the end of July.
We’d like as many of us as possible to contribute to is compiling a list of openly available datasets from experiments that look into some aspect of brain rhythms – see here, and click on ‘Open Datasets’. In order to have your dataset listed, you will need to fill in this form. (Note that the data will not appear immediately but only after a content check.)
SCONe RA Karin Bakardjian
Soon after SCONe started last year, we were lucky enough to get Karin onboard. She’s been assisting us in many, many ways and SCONe wouldn’t be the same without her. She’s now moving on to a Masters course at Maastricht, but not without taking with her the “Ivana Markova price for Wider Achievement” in her Undergraduate studies at the University of Stirling. Congratulations Karin, and all the best for your Masters! (This is not goodbye though, as Karin will still be involved.)
We’ll keep working on all things SCONe but as summer usually means holidays for most at some point, we wish everyone some relaxing time off with friends and families. Expect the next newsletter at the end of Aug.
Best wishes, SCONe Steer Com