Welcome to SCONe
We started the Scottish-EU Critical Oscillations Network in January 2022 to connect researchers working on brain rhythms and their role in human cognition.
Browse these pages to find out who we are, our plans for events and how to get in touch if you are interested in joining the network.
The network is currently funded by a Saltire Network Facilitation grant issued by the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scotland. Founded at the University of Stirling, Scotland, we are now hosting at the University of Dundee.

Psychology, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
University of Dundee, Nethergate, Dundee
DD1 4HN Scotland, UK
Steering Committee:
Christian Keitel | ckeitel001@dundee.ac.uk |
Anne Keitel | a.keitel@dundee.ac.uk |
Satu Palva | satu.palva@glasgow.ac.uk |
Paul Sauseng | p.sauseng@psychologie.uzh.ch |
Sonja Kotz | sonja.kotz@maastrichtuniversity.nl |
Dundee SCONe Team:
Karin Bakardjian (Research Assistant) | k.bakardjian@student.maastrichtuniversity.nl |