Fluvial carbon fluxes on the Moine Mhor – Emma Bryder (University of Dundee) – SNH/SEPA PhD studentship
Assessing peat and hydrological characteristics of the Moine Mhor peatland: spatially investigating peat depth, water table and temperature characteristics and the hydrology of the catchments draining this high altitude bog. Drs Olivia Bragg and Andrew Black (University of Dundee) in collaboration with Wildland Limited.
Developing a low-power wireless network of environmental sensors on the Moine Mhor – pushing the frontiers of the Internet of Things into previously unconnected territory. Sensors cover peat hydrology, rainfall, periglacial slope movement and air temperatures. NERC Technology Proof of Concept project, led by Professors Jane Hart and Kirk Martinez (University of Southampton).
Improving the detection and forecasting of precipitation – Ben Pickering (NCAS (National Centre for Atmospheric Sciences)/University of Leeds) highest-altitude site in UK disdrometer network at 900 m OD, based on laser detection of precipitation type and intensity.