Dr Alexandra Morel (amorel001@dundee.ac.uk)
BARIToNE Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) Fully funded PhD research studentship: BARIToNE Project 10 – AGRARIAN – stAcking aGRoecological innovAtions foR sustaInable bArley production Supervisors: Dr Alexandra Morel, Dr. Alison Karley, Dr. Cathy Hawes in collaboration with industrial supervisor Dr. Ronald Daalmans, Chivas Brothers Ltd. Closing deadline 17/02/2022. PDF of advert
Prof Sue Dawson (S.Dawson@dundee.ac.uk)
GeoNetZero Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) Fully funded PhD research studentship: Assessing Seabed Integrity under Increased Pressures from Offshore Windfarm Developments Supervisors: Professor Sue Dawson, Dr Alan Cuthbertson
Dr Sarah Halliday (s.j.halliday@dundee.ac.uk)
Collaborative Training Partnership (CTP) for Sustainable Agricultural Innovation Fully funded PhD research studentship: Biodiversity for regenerative and resilient agroecosystems. Supervisory Team: The James Hutton Institute, University of Dundee and Syngenta. Closing deadline 06/01/2022.
Dr Andrew Black (a.z.black@dundee.ac.uk)
Earth Observation CDT Fully funded PhD research studentship: Machine learning for remote sensing and modelling of mountain snow patches.
Based at the University of Edinburgh, with co-supervision at Leeds and Dundee. Great opportunity for a skills-rich research training with excellent prospects for future career development. Closing deadline 09/01/2022.