39th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
St Andrews, Scotland
14-17 April, 2024
The International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies is an annual meeting of mathematicians and engineers with a particular interest in water waves and their effects on floating and submerged marine structures. Professor D.V. Evans (University of Bristol) and Professor J.N. Newman (MIT) initiated the IWWWFB following informal meetings between their research groups in 1984.
First intended to promote communications between workers in the UK and the USA, the interest and participation quickly spread to include researchers from many other countries around the world. The workshop places particular emphasis on the involvement of younger researchers, on the stimulation of discussions between engineers and scientists, and to the presentation of preliminary basic scientific work before its publication elsewhere.
The workshop is an important reference point for organizing and spreading knowledge in this area. In particular, the workshop proceedings are freely accessible through the dedicated internet address www.iwwwfb.org where all contributions from 1986 on can be found.
IWWWFB 2024 Tartan

For several centuries, tartan remained part of the everyday garb of the Highlanders and became synonymous with the symbol of clan kinship. The oldest preserved tartan in Scotland dates back to the 16th century, and has recently been on display at the V&A Museum in Dundee.
A tartan is designed for IWWWFB 2024. It contains the iconic blue of the Scottish flag and red of the flag of China. This is to represent the two countries working together to organise this year’s conference.
The green is a nod to the rolling hills and golf courses that are the key characteristics of St Andrews, our host city. Further hues of blue demonstrate the dynamic shades found in the ocean.
Finally, the grey providing the characteristic tartan stripes and structure are representative of the structures that bind the IWWWFB community, both in the structures which define our work and the organisational structures and friendships that bring us together year after year.
This tartan is a visual welcome to IWWWFB 2024 and to Scotland!