UNISON and UNITE positions

Speeches by UNISON and UNITE representatives at University of Dundee All Staff Townhall, 12/12/24

Speech by Emma Preston, UNISON

Unison wanted to say a few words today to acknowledge that:

There are staff sitting in this room and joining us online who have worked at this university for months, for years and for decades and There is one thing we all have in common and it’s that we care passionately about Dundee Uni and the work we do in the city, across the country and around the world

We know we all make a difference for students, for communities, in our research and through the work that we do and we all care deeply about the reputation of this institution

We all know that this university is the beating heart of this city and region.

We are not just here for the paycheck but for the job satisfaction that working at Dundee brings and it’s sad, dissatisfying, and disappointing that we have got into the situation we are in.

We now need a university Leadership team who don’t exist in a bubble of secrecy, who can take responsibility, are accountable for where we are at and can think creatively about how the university can get out of this very difficult situation.

We need a university Leadership team who are competent and who we believe can lead the organisation forward into the future

We need a university Leadership team who Understand that all of the decisions they make affect people who care about the direction of this university and have real life implications for all our livelihoods. Why should staff lose their jobs because of university leadership mis management

We need a university Leadership team who really listen to staff. We have a huge amount of institutional knowledge between us all and are we are their best asset!

We need a university Leadership team who Work with staff and unions in meaningful ways and not just to tick boxes

We need a university Leadership team who are respectful, supportive, transparent and honest and are invested in Dundee Uni for the long term!

We need a university Leadership team who understand the optics and that if we are all weathering this storm together it’s important that we are all playing by the same rules.

We need a university Leadership team who have empathy and treat people with care

We need a university Leadership team who carefully consider the decisions they make

We need a university Leadership team who possess stewardship and who can steady the ship

We need a university Leadership team who instead of implementing changes that are ill thought through and are often a knee jerk reaction can acknowledge and celebrate all the great work that goes on here

And most of all We need a university Leadership team who have integrity.

There are huge challenges to face as has already been outlined today.

And so most importantly we need to be confident in those who are paid the big bucks to have a vision, to be prepared to deal swiftly with difficult situations in their own back yard and to foresee and carefully deal with the challenges the university faces!

What we need to see now is change and this change needs to happen quickly because the status quo is just not good enough!


Speech by Tamara Richardon, UNITE the Union

Working Together as a Community

I’m Tamara Richardson, I work within the events team at DJCAD but today I represent Unite the Union’s commitment to working collaboratively with Unison and UCU to collectively support the staff at University of Dundee.

Today, we—three unions—stand together to do something truly groundbreaking: providing all University of Dundee staff with this all-hands platform to discuss the crisis our university is facing. This is not just about meaningful discussion. It’s about acting and outlining a positive path forward through a crisis we had no hand in creating.

On November 13, all staff received an email titled “Our Financial Sustainability – Update”. It outlined what the University claimed was an inevitable reduction in staffing levels, alongside a reassurance that updates would continue. Since then, union representatives have been on the ground every day, listening to your concerns. The message we’ve heard is clear: staff are worried. They don’t feel valued. They don’t feel heard by our university leadership.

Our university’s strategy declares, “We are not afraid to act purposively to make a real difference in the world.” in this moment of crisis, our community of staff must not be afraid to think about what it takes to bring about a meaningful change. It’s time to examine who we are as a university and take the steps needed to live up to our existing values of Valuing people; Working together; Integrity; Making a difference and Excellence

This Townhall exists because your campus unions believe amplifying the collective voice of staff is essential, especially at times of crisis. Whether or not you’re a union member, this space is for you. It’s an opportunity to be heard by your peers, to share your insights and experiences. Your voice matters.

Today you have taken time from your day, during your lunch hour, to be here. Your attendance here shows you care deeply about the future of this university. We know you are worried about what is to come. Look around you. Everyone here in person, and those joining us online, share those feelings with you. This is your community, this is our community—this is of Dundee and for Dundee.

Today is our chance to work together, with integrity to make a difference as a community and to offer our university leadership the opportunities for positive change and ways forward that we see to continue delivering on excellence without the need for unjustified cuts to staff or rushed mergers between schools.

We are all professionals and experts in our roles. We understand what’s working within our university and what isn’t. So, we urge you: speak up now. Share your thoughts, your concerns, and your suggestions. Our community has this opportunity to propose solutions that meaningfully reflect our university values and aspirations. WE are the excellence at the heart of our University.

Let’s show the collective force of our staff community and turn this crisis into our opportunity to be heard. Thank you!