Welcome to University and College Union (UCU) University of Dundee Branch home page

Dundee UCU calls on the University Court to:
- Withdraw the threats of compulsory redundancies included in the former Principal’s email to university staff on 13th November 2024.
- Fully disclose the financial information under-pinning the university’s financial position.
- Engage in genuine democratic consultation and negotiation on the future of the University of Dundee.
- Immediately move to introduce new governance structures for democratic decision making and transparency within the University.
Without such commitments staff and DUCU can have no confidence in the UEG or its proposals.
Please read analysis published in The Courier and on this site by Dr. Carlo Morelli, member of the DUCU Branch Committee and UCU Scotland Honorary Secretary, on the current crisis at the University of Dundee.
You will also find here DUCU’s position paper outlining proposals for governance reform of the university.
Read the Op Ed by Prof. Angela Daly (DUCU Honorary Secretary), published in The Courier, on why she and countless other Dundee staff are going on strike.
Contribute to the DUCU Fighting Fund
Please email ducu@dundee.ac.uk to find out how you can support DUCU members on strike. UCU branches who wish to donate to the DUCU Fighting Fund are requested to email DUCU for bank transfer details.
Our thanks to the following UCU branches for the solidarity and support:
Liverpool, UCL, Liverpool John Moores, Heriot Watt, Oxford, Aberdeen, St Andrews, Glasgow, Reading, York St John, North West Region, Ulster, Royal Holloway

UCU is the largest trade union and professional association for academics, lecturers, trainers, researchers and academic-related staff working in further and higher education throughout the UK.
Contact us
Administrator: Qingzhong LIANG
DUCU Office, Room 1.08a, 15/16 Springfield
University of Dundee
Tel: 01382 388817
Email: DUCU@dundee.ac.uk
X: @DucuUo; BlueSky: ducuuo.bsky.social
Office hours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10 am – 2 pm