David H. Murray,
Principal Investigator and Sir Henry Dale Fellow
I did my undergraduate in Physics at North Carolina State University in the US. During this time, I became interested in membranes and their proteins, and after work in the lab of Prof. Keith Weninger, I went on to do my PhD in the subject. At the University of Virginia, I did my graduate studies in the lab of Prof. Lukas Tamm on the regulation and mechanism of membrane fusion protein clustering within membranes. Next, I picked up the methods of structural biology examining the retromer complex in the lab of Jim Hurley at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland (now UC Berkeley). Finally, in the lab of Marino Zerial at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics I took on the cell biology of trafficking. Currently I drive an interdisciplinary synergy between these expertise to resolve outstanding questions in cell organization.

Dr. Nicholus Mukhwana, Postdoctoral Researcher
Nicholus obtained a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Following these studies, he applied for and was competitively selected for a scholarship and MSc at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. This focused on scaling antibody production and purification. Next, he successfully won a competitive and prestigious Darwin Trust of Edinburgh scholarship, to support his work in the laboratories of Professor Ulrike Eggert and Dr. Jeremy Carlton at King’s College London. In his PhD, he focused on the roles of lipids in organization of the Golgi membranes.

Derick Xu,
CSC PhD student

Matthew Watt,
MRC PhD student
Daria Andrieieva, Summer and Honours
- Hannes Maib, Twitter: @hannes_maib, now PI in Sheffield.
- Hayley Shaw, MRC PhD student, now Gavin Wright lab, York.
- Watanyoo Sopipong, MSc by Research, now PhD UCL
- Adam Malecki, MSc student
- Matthew Watt, MSc by Research, now PhD Dundee
- Milo McLinn, MSc student
- Theresa Ahara, MSc student
Interns, Honours, and Summer students:
- Imke Janssen, Intern, HAN, NL. now MSc, NL.
- Julie Koziy, Summer and Honours, now PhD UCL
- Findlay Munro, now PhD Dundee
- Lucy Dalrymple, Summer
- Gemma Kane, Honours
- Sam Hunter, Honours
- Tamara Fragua-Farniere, Honours, now MSc Edinburgh
- Leah McCaffery, Summer and Honours, Abertay, now MSc Edinburgh
- Jennie Yang, Summer, now Sainsbury Lab’s Predoctoral Internship
- Tristan Praamsma, Honours