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Latest news from 2023 – 2020


Drug resistance study

21 December 2023
Anna’s work provides insights into purine analog resistance: see mSphere.

Gene expression study

11 December 2023
Work from Joana, Michele & team shows how two tethered chromosomes boost VSG expression: see Nature Communications, SLS news, Behind the paper.

Antigenic variation study

17 July 2023
Work from Douglas, Viktor & team shows how trypanosomes deploy VSGs economically: see PLoS Pathogens.

BSP meeting in Edinburgh

14 April 2023
Four talks and six posters from the lab at the latest BSP meeting.

SLS Innovator Award

2 February 2023
Simone, Sandra, Melanie, Anna, Michele, and Susan win Innovator Award for Oligo Targeting.


US conference

19 September 2022
Five talks from Gustavo, Melanie, Anna, Marketa & Joana (now in York) at the Kinetoplastid meeting in the US last week.

New cell cycle screen

10 September 2022
Work from Cat, Melanie & Michele yields a new genome-scale cell cycle dataset: Nature Communications SLS news / video.

7 May 2022
Simone and team publish gene-editing method in Nucleic Acids Research. See SLS news.

27 April 2022
New WCAIR funding from April : David is Interim Director : See UoDSLS news.

VSG expression control

21 March 2022
Gustavo’s work published in mSphere provides proteomic insights into VSG control.

BSP President’s Medal

4 March 2022
Joana Faria (now in York) has been awarded this prestigious medal by the British Society for Parasitology.

Poster prize

28 February 2022
Shravya Murali awarded a Best Poster prize for her Honours Project.

First person

12 February 2022
Interview with Melanie Ridgway to accompany publication of her PhD work at the Australian National University.


Sir Henry Dale Fellowship

13 June 2021
Congratulations to Joana on the award of a Dale fellowship and Beit prize to be taken up at the University of York. See SLS and WCAIR Dale/Beit news.

PhD award

2 April 2021
Congratulations to Viktor on a successful thesis defence and Ph.D. award.

Allelic exclusion

11 January 2021
Joana’s work reveals how nuclear organisation underpins antigenic variation:



Four new team members

6 October 2020
Welcome to Melanie Ridgway (from Australian Nat. Uni.), Marketa Novotna (Wellcome PhD), Gustavo Ruiz (from Uni. Aberdeen) and Douglas Escrivani (from Uni. Rio).

Joana Faria award

24 August 2020
Joana awarded SULSA ECR prize for Development and Regulation; see 3 min video.

MCB prize

15 January 2020
Joana Faria awarded the annual Molecular and Cellular Biology Prize.

Simone Altmann joins the team

6 January 2020
Welcome to Simone, who joins us following a post-doc in the Plant Sciences Division.