Author: Andrew Millar
3 min read
The University of Dundee is committed to reducing all carbon emissions to a net zero position by 2045. That’s the best part of 20 years away depending on when you start counting. However, with the most…
4 min read
This week we’re proud to launch the new Student Voices web pages. This marks the end of the Student Blog WordPress website that was launched back in 2012. Content from the blog has been migrated into…
7 min read
Over the last month, Jonathan from the Web Services team has carried out an audit of guide pages on the University website. It’s been an incredibly useful exercise, not least because it’s made me reflect on…
5 min read
I woke up early and jumped on the train to Edinburgh for an unexpected trip to UX Scotland. Steve in our team sadly couldn’t make it. I jumped at the opportunity. Reading back over my notes…
2 min read
This week, we’re excited to launch new web pages for promoting study exchange opportunities at the University. Go Abroad provides UoD students with study exchange opportunities and also information and support on this topic. Its main…
2 min read
People are constantly bombarded with information from all directions. Whether it’s social media, news outlets, or advertising, the sheer volume of content can be overwhelming. It’s important to cut through the noise and deliver content that…
6 min read
For the last 5 years in Web Services, we’ve been consumed by the mammoth task of migrating content from the old website (which uses t4 content management system) to the new (which uses Drupal). Literally tens…
5 min read
In May 2022 Web Services successfully launched the new PhD web pages. This marks a huge milestone and is the culmination of work that we started two years ago when we consulted with students and stakeholders around…
6 min read
One of the most important things we do here in Web Services is to work with other teams across the university to ensure their websites and systems are fully accessible. We do this using our accessibility…
6 min read
As part of our continuing work on the new University website, we are undertaking a series of Design Sprints. These are fun, interactive sessions with students, staff, and other key audience members. Most organisations know what…