We’re inviting patients who have type 1 diabetes and have been diagnosed with heart failure or that have changes on their heart scan or any other heart conditions such as high blood pressure or previous heart attacks, that can sometimes lead to changes in their heart function. In this case, heart failure is used to describe changes in heart structure and/or function.
To be in the trial patients will need to be using or willing to use a continuous glucose monitor for the duration of the trial and be willing to share glucose and ketone monitoring data.
Patients that already take Sotagliflozin, or other similar drugs, will not be able to take part.
Participants will also not be able to take part if they are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning a pregnancy.
The research doctor will check this and other reasons to identify someone’s suitability for the study.
Importantly, taking part in this trial is entirely voluntary. If a patient decides to take part, they can stop the trial at any time. They don’t have to give a reason for not taking part. The medical care they get and their relationship with the medical or nursing staff looking after them won’t be affected if they decide not to take part. If they are happy to tell us, we would find it useful to know the reason for not taking part so that we can look at ways of improving this trial and future trials.