• New Team member

    Moray Smith has joined us as a postdoctoral researcher. He will investigate how the transcriptome and translatome change in response to temperature. Welcome, Moray!

  • New Team member

    Cecilia Decima Oneto has joined the team as a research assistant. Welcome, Ceci!

  • Group’s first review published

    Our review on the importance of untranslated regions (UTRs) in the post-transcriptional control of gene expression has been published in Journal of Experimental Botany; you can find the article here.

  • PhD and Honours students join the lab

    Aminin Taqrir Akramin has returned to the lab as a Royal Society PhD Student; his project will look into translation initiation factors involved in plant temperature responses. Jennifer Anderson and Jennie Yang join the group for their Honours projects. Welcome, everyone!

  • 25 years of thermomorphogenesis

    In 1998, Bill Gray and colleagues first reported the effect of warm ambient temperature on hypocotyl elongation and thereby inadvertently founded what has become the field of thermomorphogenesis research. The community came together to reflect on 25 years of research on ambient temperature sensing and signalling in this Trends in Plant Science forum article.