We will provide updates on our current projects alongside content to promote research, opinions, and ideas from further afield. Please follow our blog for new posts and use this space to interact with us via the comments section! If you have any questions about SEPaL or want to join us in our meetings (occurring every six weeks throughout the academic year), don’t hesitate to get in touch with Marie.

In an era of calls for urgent climate and biodiversity action, we are challenged to respond to what are now well-recognised global phenomena that are negatively impacting our world. As a society, we must focus on anthropogenic harm and deepen our understanding of methods to redress these issues without creating further damage. The title of this blog highlights the need for collaboration, of course, I could have added several more ‘C-words’ – creativity, connection, consultation, cultivation… the possibilities are endless. Maybe not quite endless, but you know what I mean. So why focus on collaboration?