REWIND + PLAY presents a selection of key works from the first decade of artist’s video practice in the UK. From early conceptual experiments exploring the parameters of the medium to works dealing with media culture and television this collection explores the range and diversity of the first years of video as new media.

Three DVD box set including 24 videos by: John Adams, Peter Anderson, Kevin Atherton, Ian Bourn, Ian Breakwell, David Critchley, …

Kinema. Il cinema sulle tracce del cinema.

Kinema. Il cinema sulle tracce del cinema.

Autore: Marco M Gazzano

Kinema. Il cinema sulle tracce del cinema. Dal film alle arti elettroniche, andata e ritorno [Brossura]

An anthology of Professor Marco Maria Gazzano’s seminal essays, papers and speeches on electronic arts, video art, cinema and television from 1976 to 2012 at the discovery of the development, diffusion and the exchanges between these practises in Italy and not only. The volume is closed by The Chronology of Video Art in Italy (1952-1952) curated by Laura Leuzzi (Research Assistant, …

L’arte elettronica. Metamorfosi e metafore

L’arte elettronica. Metamorfosi e metafore

Curated/edited by Silvia Bordini

Catalogue of a seminal exhibition on international electronic arts at Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara (24th June-2 September 2001) curated by Silvia Bordini. The exhibition showed works by, among the others: Robert Cahen, Maurizio Camerani, Nam June Paik, Fabrizio Plessi, Mario Sasso, Gerry Schum, Studio Azzurro, Bill Viola, Wolf Vostell.

The volume comprehends essays by Silvia Bordini, Marco Gazzano, Sandra Lischi and Ralph Melcher. The book is closed by a chronology of electronic arts curated by Francesca Gallo. …

Arte in videotape

Arte in videotape

Curated by Cosetta G. Saba

Art/tapes/22, collezione ASAC. La Biennale di Venezia. Conservazione, restauro, valorizzazione

The book was published on the occasion of the recovery of the first group of works from art/tapes/22 preserved at ASAC, the archive of the Venice Biennale. The volume contains a large documentation on art/tapes/22 and ASAC video activity and details of the process of recovery of the tapes. It contains essays by Maria Gloria Bicocchi, …

Gianni Toti o della poetronica

Gianni Toti o della poetronica

Curated by Sandra Lischi and Silvia Moretti

The volume is the most updated resource on Gianni Toti, writer, poet, journalist and video artist.

The book contains texts by Gianni Toti, Anna Barenghi, Michel Chion, Marco Maria Gazzano, Ando Gilardi, Sandra Lischi, Mario Lunetta, Marc Mercier, Silvia Moretti, Italo Moscati, Rossella Rega, Tarcisio Tarquini, Giuseppe Zagarrio

Il volume costituisce la risorsa più aggiornata sulla figura di Gianni Toti, scrittore, poeta, …