London’s Arts Labs and the 60s Avant-Garde

by David Curtis

This is the story of two short-lived artist-run spaces that are associated with some of the most innovative developments in the arts in Britain in the late 1960s. The Drury Lane Arts Lab (1967–69) was home to the first UK screenings of Andy Warhol’s twin-screen 3 hour film Chelsea Girls, challenging exhibitions (John and Yoko / John Latham / Takis / Roelof Louw), poetry and music (first UK performance of Erik Satie’s 24-hour Vexations) and fringe theatre (People Show / Freehold / Jane Arden’s Vagina Rex and the Gas Oven / Will Spoor Mime Theatre). …

EWVA European Women’s Video Art in the 70s and 80s

Edited by Laura Leuzzi, Elaine Shemilt and Stephen Partridge

EWVA European Women’s Video Art in the 70s and 80s is the main output of this research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and based at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. The research team consisted of the Principal Investigator, Professor Elaine Shemilt, the Co-investigator Professor Stephen Partridge, Dr Laura Leuzzi, as Post-Doctoral Researcher and Adam Lockhart as Media Archivist. …

Mike Leggett, Private Performance and making Art with Video

Mike Leggett, Private Performance and making Art with Video

Mike Leggett, Private Performance and making Art with Video, 2009

Published as part of the AHRC project Narrative Exploration in Expanded Cinema by CSM University of the Arts London and DJCAD University of Dundee.

Pdf here.

The paper draws on two sets of detailed notes made in 1973 that reflected on the creative potential of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) systems and the Portapak video recorder. My collaborative work with other artists, …

Patti Gaal-Holmes, Parameters of Practice: Annabel Nicolson’s 1970s Practice

Patti Gaal-Holmes, Parameters of Practice: Annabel Nicolson’s 1970s Practice

Patti Gaal-Holmes, Parameters of Practice: Annabel Nicolson’s 1970s Practice, 2009

Published as part of the AHRC project Narrative Exploration in Expanded Cinema by CSM University of the Arts London and DJCAD University of Dundee.

Pdf here.

Response to ‘Parameters of Practice – Annabel Nicolson’s 1970s Practice’ by Patti Gaal-Holmes, discussion with Cate Elwes, Annabel Nicolson & Patti Gaal-Holmes, 2009,

Pdf here.

Expanded Cinema Family Tree

Expanded Cinema Family Tree by Duncan White et al. 2008

A Family Tree of organisations and practitioners involved in the development of Expanded Cinema. Produced for the AHRC research project Narrative Exploration in Expanded Cinema at CSM University of the Arts London and DJCAD University of Dundee.

Download pdf here.


Please note: This diagram is a first edition. It should not be considered definitive.  There are many gaps and missing players. …

REWINDItalia: Early Video Art in Italy/I primi anni della videoarte in italia

REWINDItalia: Early Video Art in Italy/I primi anni della videoarte in italia

Edited by Laura Leuzzi & Stephen Partridge

Italy was a vibrant centre of video art production and exhibition throughout the 1970s and 1980s.

This early seminal experimentation attracted artists from all over the world and laid the foundation for video art. However since then, early Italian video art has received only scant international exposure. Its contribution to the history of video as an art form has for too long escaped the recognition that it so unequivocally deserves. …

REWIND| British Artists’ Video in the 1970s & 1980s

REWIND| British Artists’ Video in the 1970s & 1980s

Editors: Stephen Partridge & Sean Cubitt

Release Date: 30th September 2012

With a Foreword by Brian Winston

Rewind: Artists video in the 70s and 80s derives from a four-year research project into the history of an art form that has become the hallmark of contemporary art. Based on an archive of interviews, ephemera and archive copies of tapes and installations from the pioneering period of British video art, this anthology brings together some of the leading scholars in the field, …

Video e sono

Video e sono

“Video e sono”

di Michele Sambin, presentato al simposio REWINDItalia: Videoart in Italy 1968-1982, giovedì 19 e venerdì 20 aprile 2012, MACRO – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma

Visualizzare l’abstract e testo dell’intervento qui