Kill Your Timid Notion 2010

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Dundee Contemporary Arts
26th February 2010 - 28th February 2010

As part of KYTN, Rewind curated Kevin Atherton’s ‘Video Times’ (1984) piece to coincide with the the festival’s theme of ‘non-art’.

Conceived of as a dual publication, video cassette and booklet,  presented as an installation. The content of the videotape is the artist watching television. Illuminated by the flickering glow of the TV set the artist as TV viewer earnestly peers out of the screen whilst simultaneously balancing a cup of tea and a chocolate eclair on his lap. …

Time Revealing Truth

A Celebration of the Life and Work of Tamara Krikorian and Tony Sinden
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Tate Modern, Starr Auditorium
6:30 pm, 27th October 2009

In the Summer of 2009, the world sadly lost two important British artists who pioneered the use of the moving image in the gallery during the 1970s – Tamara Krikorian and Tony Sinden. Both of these artists were involved significantly in the REWIND project.

A joint memorial event was held at Tate Modern which was hosted by Stuart Comer and AL Rees. More information about the event can be found here. …

DVD Launch & Performance of In Two Minds by Kevin Atherton

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Stills, 23 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh EH1 1BP
7:00 pm, 22nd October 2009

In Two Minds was a two monitor installation first exhibited in the Serpentine Gallery, London in 1978. This work consisted of Atherton on one video monitor asking questions of himself on the other monitor. The questions, typically of that time, largely address the nature of the piece itself. At the time of making the piece he had no intention of using it beyond the Serpentine show, the rough and ready state of the black and white tapes attest to this. …

REWIND @ Stills

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Stills, 23 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh EH1 1BP
6th August 2009 - 25th October 2009

REWIND at Stills was a specially curated exhibition, for the Edinburgh Arts Festival, of seminal works from the formative years of British video art. Digitally remastered and archived by REWIND, this showcase of pioneering artworks from the 1970s and 1980s was organised in partnership with Stills and exhibited in Stills’ public resource area. The videotheque style exhibition provided a unique opportunity to view the early years of a medium that has become a cultural mainstay in museums and galleries alike. …

BBC Big Screen Edinburgh

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Festival Square, Lothian Road, Edinburgh
5th August 2009 - 5th September 2009

In partnership with artist Kate V. Robertson, Magic Lantern, artist David Hall and REWIND Artists’ Video in the 70s & 80s, the Edinburgh Art Festival  broadcasted daily from the Big Screen Edinburgh:

During the 1971 Edinburgh Festivals, David Hall broadcast his Television Interruptions on Scottish TV. Over several days, normal broadcast was randomly ‘interrupted’ by his unannounced and uncredited artworks, which remain among the earliest and most important in the history of video art. …

Kill Your Timid Notion: Micronotions

Dundee Contemporary Arts
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Visual Research Centre, Microcinema
10th October 2008 - 12th October 2008

REWIND selected a number of works from the collection as part of the ‘Kill your Timid Notion’ festival. This annual event explored the boundries between sound and vision using mediums such as video, film, sound art, avante garde music and performance.

Micronotions explored instances of repetition and abstraction from various perspectives honing on the relationships between what is seen and what is heard. The programme featured work from the Duvet Brothers, Judith Goddard, …

REWIND at doggerfisher

doggerfisher gallery
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11 Gayfield Sq, Edinburgh, EH1 3NT
30th September 2008 - 25th October 2008

Works from the REWIND archive were exhibited at doggerfisher gallery. This was an excellent opportunity to see these important artworks. The works were selected by doggerfisher in conjunction with REWIND and featured the following artists: David Hall, Stephen Partridge, Tina Keane, Chris Meigh-Andrews, Mick Hartney and Ian Breakwell.

Scratch Video

Dundee Contemporary Arts & Streetlevel Photoworks, Trongate, Glasgow
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Dundee Contemporary Arts
6:00 pm, 1st April 2020

A screening of a series of videos from the ‚’Scratch Video’ genre which was prevalent in the 1980s and has generally been forgotten about in contemporary culture. This genre was the first to use samples of video and mix them with sampled music and sound, leading into the dance music generation of the early 1990s. The works that were shown are some of the best examples of this work from British artists.

These works use as their source, …

Lost and Found: Recovered Works from the 1970s

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Dundee Contemporary Arts, Gallery 2
9th November 2007

An evening of video works not seen since the 1970s that have been recovered and preserved by REWIND. The works included ‘In Two Minds’ by Kevin Atherton, ‘Pieces I Never Did’ by David Critchley and Stephen Partridge’s ‘Dialogue for Four Players’. This was the first time these multi-screen pieces were exhibited as projections in this form. …

REWIND Soft Launch

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Visual Research Centre and Dundee Contemporary Arts
7th April 2006 - 7th May 2006

The Soft Launch had a number of components including workstations featuring the Database at the heart of the REWIND research resource, with interviews, ephemera, articles and other information on all of the artists who have participated in REWIND thus far.

It included:

Restaged Installations

7 TV Pieces by David Hall, 1971

Behold Vertical Devices by Tony Sinden, 1974

Vanitas by Tamara Krikorian, 1979

Demolition/Escape by Tina Keane, …