The work has been published in Genes & Development in their November issue. Great work by Anna and rest in figuring out how loss of PROSER1 and TOPD (TET-OGT-PROSER1-DBHS proteins) complexes influence DNA methylation and gene expression in early development.
Lab day out at Tummel River – Everyone made it back safe!!!
A big thanks to Anna for presenting her work at the SLS Annual Research Symposium Crieff 2023
Welcome back Xiang
It is great to welcome back Xiang Li as a PhD student supported by a 4-year China Scholarship Council fellowship
Lab Christmas dinner 2021
Welcome Phoebe!
A warm welcome to Phoebe Crawley – a talented student supported by a 4-year EASTBIO PhD studentship. Hope you will settle in well in Dundee.
Xiang`s farewell
Xiang finished her MSci degree succesfully and stayed around for another few months as a research assistant but now it is time to move on. Best of luck in the future and we hope to see you again!
New methods paper contributed
If anyone is interested in looking at TET protein localization in the genome have a look at “ChIP-sequencing of TET proteins” in the new Methods in Molecular Biology volume 2272.
Helping out at the opening of a CRUK superstore in Dundee
See news coverage from STV here: