This section of the website is intended for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) interested in bronchiectasis who are looking to get more involved within the bronchiectasis research community. 

This section will be updated regularly with announcements and initiatives of relevance to ECRs. 

FUTURE - an EMBARC network for ECRs

We are currently in the process of setting up a research network for ECRs called FUTURE✨ (short for Fostering Upcoming Talents addressing Unexplored Research questions in EMBARC).

As a whole, the programme aims to:

    1. Establish a collaborative research network for ECMs
    2. Encourage ECMs to develop and participate in EMBARC-related research projects
    3. Strengthen mentorship and career development opportunities for ECMs
    4. Promote continued education and training for ECMs
    5. Promote public and patient engagement as well as patient advocacy within the bronchiectasis research community

There will also be regular meetings via Teams to allow for open discussion/brainstorming among ECMs.

If this initiative sounds like something you as an ECM would be keen to get involved in,  please register your interest on the following form and the programme chairs will be in touch to discuss your involvement.

Important Dates for ECRs


The 8th World Bronchiectasis Conference (Brisbane, Australia) is keen to support the development of the next generation of researchers and clinicians within in the field of bronchiectasis and related comorbidities (NTM, PCD, etc.) via their Rising Star programme.

This year, NINE early career researchers / clinicians will have the opportunity to:

  • Present a lecture in the main session of the program together with the other international faculty members.
  • Be hosted by the Conference that will waive registration fee and take charge of your travel and accommodation costs (if you do not have the opportunity to be financially supported by your institution).

The two best “Rising Stars” will be awarded the Rising Star Prize at the Closing Ceremony and invited to be part of the scientific committee of 9th World Bronchiectasis Conference in Hannover in June 2026.

If you are a junior professional (aged under 42 AND/OR within 5 years or less years of your PhD AND/OR still enrolled in your PhD AND/OR a clinicians within 5 years of fellowship) with exciting original research to share, this opportunity is for you!

Apply to be a ‘Rising Star’ at the World Bronchiectasis Conference 2025 in Brisbane, Australia.